One of the biggest moments from the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 premiere was when Angie Katsanevas, otherwise known as Angie K, pulled out a scroll listing all of Meredith Marks‘ alleged wrongdoings in the middle of Lisa Barlow‘s dinner party. But while Katsanevas hoped the gimmick would help her “move forward” with Marks, it only seemed to pull them further apart.

“The bottom line is that I like to have fun. I thought I could bring some light to it. I thought maybe it would lead to us having a laugh and being able to move forward,” Katsanevas told DECIDER when she stopped by our studio last week. “She just didn’t find it funny.”

While the prop didn’t land well with Marks, it did receive a positive reaction from the Bravo universe. Katsanevas, who joined the show as a full-time Housewife in Season 4, acknowledged that the moment has since become a “fun meme” that’s “flying all over the internet.”

“I’m glad people could have a laugh at it. I tried to order some scrolls, and they were out,” she said, before joking, “I should have bought stock in them before. “

Katsanevas’ friendships with both Marks and Barlow might be on the rocks this season, but that didn’t stop her from feeling “really supported” by her other castmates, like Mary Cosby, who has become a close friend of hers over the last year.

“It’s a friendship that came [organically],” Katsanevas explained. “There were no allies. We weren’t trying to be allies. We were not against anyone. It wasn’t that we had an enemy in common. We just really enjoy each other’s company.”

In a new interview with DECIDER, Katsanevas also dished on her feud with Barlow, the tiny bangs Marks wore in the trailer, and who she thought was this season’s villain. Check out the full story below.

DECIDER: This season is already off to a wild start. How are you feeling now that Season 5 has started?

ANGIE KATSANEVAS: I’m really excited. I was just sharing with someone that I had a great season. I had fun this season, which I can’t really say that for last season. I had a lot of friends. I felt really supported, which completely changed my experience this year. 

I love how close you and Mary have gotten. Do you really think it was the lipstick moment from the reunion that endeared you to Mary? Or was there something else behind the scenes we didn’t see?

[Mary] swears it’s not because I actually mentioned that, and she said that’s not what it was. She said she can’t pinpoint what it was. It just kind of happened organically. So I feel like that had a little something to do with it. Mary used words about me like, “I’m wholesome,” which I really love. I don’t think the other ladies would say that about me. And you know what? She just truly loves me, and I love her.

We’re both kind of off-the-cuff. We both have been vulnerable with each other. And I say this over and over, it’s a friendship that came [organically]. There were no allies. We weren’t trying to be allies. We were not against anyone. It wasn’t that we had an enemy in common. We just really enjoy each other’s company. She allows me to be myself and vice versa. We can both speak honestly with each other, and I think that’s huge when you can be honest with each other in conversations. We both allow each other  to have an opinion, and we’re supportive of each other. That makes for a great friendship, just being able to be effortless and be yourself. She makes me laugh all day long, and I actually make her laugh, which makes me feel funny if I can get a laugh out of her. 

Photo: Getty Images

You said in the first episode that Mary invited you to Kathy Hilton’s Christmas party. What was that like? Do you think you’ll score another invite this year?

That was actually our first time going to an event together. I was shocked that she invited me, and I was honored. We had a great time together. She’s already invited me to another event that’s next month. I think we’ll be showing up to a lot of events together, and we travel well. We’re great together. We’re like sisters when we’re around each other, so it’s fun. 

Let’s dive into the drama. Last season, your husband was unfortunately a topic of conversation. Did the ladies keep your family out of the drama this season?

Almost. I mean, we almost got there, and there was just a little mention of something hurtful and negative. I guess some people, if they’re hurting, feel like they’ve got to hurt you, too. It’s unfortunate. 

You and Meredith have really struggled to find your footing. In the Season 5 premiere, you even bust out a scroll listing everything you would like her to apologize for. Where did you come up with that idea? Did it get the reaction you were expecting?

To be honest, I would have showed up to that Besos party with just my purse and nothing inside it. When Heather told me that she wanted an apology, it just sort of took me back like, “Wait a minute. Now the scapegoat is gone so you want an apology?” And I thought, “What in the world? Yes, I will give one.” But first, there were a few things that I wanted an apology for. The scroll was representing to me that there were multiple things she had done to hurt me. So, how dare you expect me to apologize? You think you’re off the hook now? No. I don’t know that I really received a very heartfelt apology from her. I think she had some regrets in engaging in conversations that were off camera.

The bottom line is that I like to have fun. I thought I could bring some light to it. I thought maybe it would lead to us having a laugh and being able to move forward. She just didn’t find it funny. That’s okay. We have different senses of humor, and it is what it is. It didn’t land for her as well as it landed for me. But it was fun. I hope I made my point, and sorry that she wasn’t able to find fun in the moment and find resolve and sense of humor. I think when you bring a sense of humor and light to something, it can usually turn out to be something positive and everyone can laugh it off, but not for everyone. 

Photo: Bravo

Well, it landed in the Bravo-verse!

It landed in the Bravo-verse. It didn’t land with Meredith, but everyone’s loving it. Everyone’s talking about it. It’s become a fun meme where people are putting their own notes and invites and receipts on it, and it’s just flying all over the internet. I’m glad people could have a laugh at it. I tried to order some scrolls, and they were out. I should have bought stock in them before. 

Where did the scroll come from? Did you order it from somewhere? Did you make it? Did you personally write Meredith’s offenses on it?

Yes. I ordered the scroll from Amazon, and then I used a red Sharpie because it was a Valentine’s dinner. I tied a little plume to it, so I would feel elegant as I wrote it out. No, I really didn’t do that. But I just quickly filled it out before the party. And the fact that it unraveled, unrolled and hit the ground so perfectly – it could have been a disaster. In one of my confessionals, I rolled it out and unfortunately, it hit the ground and slammed down. So thank goodness that it was such a beautiful rollout. It’s been fun. People really enjoyed it. 

Things got even more intense between Whitney and Lisa at the Besos dinner. What went through your mind when Lisa smashed that glass? 

Well, first of all, what in the world? It didn’t even break. At least when I throw a glass, it breaks. But that could just be being Greek. She was just really heated, and I didn’t really understand [the] intensity that she had that night, especially being the hostess. It was just intense. I thought we could have gotten to the same resolve with a little more of just a positive one-on-one conversation, without the glass and the raising of the voices. It was a lot that night. It wasn’t really her. I think she’s been able to talk through things in the past, so I was a little surprised. 

It seems like a lot of the women in the group think Whitney is intentionally spreading lies about them. Do you agree?

I don’t think she’s intentionally spreading lies. I mean, obviously, if she’s repeating something in her mind, she thinks it’s fact. So it’s hard for me to speak on that. But when they were all in that moment of yelling out all the things she’s done, one of the things that was yelled was, “You’ve talked about people’s marriages.” And I was like, “Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black.” If we’re going to throw things out, it can’t be something that we’re doing, right? That means you’re a liar, too. So I think in Whitney’s mind, if she said it, she doesn’t think she’s lying. She thinks that she’s repeating a truth. That was all before my time, so it was kind of hard to sit there and hear all these things that happened several seasons ago before I was even involved. I didn’t even watch a lot of those episodes. I saw most, but there’s some stuff that I missed out on that I’d have to go back to really understand. 

Photo: Getty Images

Whitney said Lisa is the villain of the group. Who do you think is the villain this season and why? 

Meredith. Yeah, she’s good at it. 

We also see that you and Lisa go downhill, possibly after a comment you made about her parenting? What can you tell us about that? Is there anything you’d like to clear up?

In the beginning, I feel like her intensity towards me was unwarranted because before even hearing anything, she was angry at me and assuming that I had done something bad … First of all, look, it was already all over the media. [Whitney] had done the podcast and Lisa had already publicly responded with how mad she was that she did it, calling her a liar and this and that. So this was not the first Whitney had heard about how she felt about the podcast. It was already out there in the field. It wasn’t like I was bringing something up that she didn’t know. But what I did say in that particular conversation in her home was, “You probably shouldn’t have done the podcast,” and, “You probably should have just gone directly to her and said it to her face.” So I’m proud of how I handled that. It’s not like I took any negative conversation that Lisa and I had about her and took it to her. This was public information. That’s the only thing that I think was left out. 

Oh, the parenting comment. I don’t bring anything up. I respond. I’m usually not one to throw out anything unless it’s thrown out at me. And then I’ll respond. That was basically me responding to something that I felt was a jab that brought up something to do with me and brought my daughter’s name up. And so in a heated moment, the next day, I was hurt and I responded. But I felt like Lisa crossed the line with me, and we shouldn’t really be bringing each other’s children up, especially small children, and saying their names on camera and bringing any sort of situation up. So that was a response to something she started, and she crossed the line. And I responded. We both have different parenting styles and there you have it.

You, Lisa and Meredith were really going at it on X last week. Have you had a chance to talk to them outside of social media since then?

Gosh, for me, I wish they would have picked up the phone to talk to me first and that wouldn’t have even happened. I like to respond with humor, and I like to make it about me so I’m not talking about someone else. I talk about [how] Greeks are great dancers, and I dance my way to the center and “opa.” I brought up the scroll. It was all in good fun. Once again, the response had to be something lower, and that’s okay. That’s just our different personalities. I was confused why Lisa inserted herself. So I just responded to both of them. I’m not big on Twitter. I don’t like it for that reason. I also don’t like two people feeling like they have to gang up on someone. I joke it’s like the Battle of Thermopylae when there were so many thousands in the war that had to take out only 300 Greeks. I guess they just know that if we’re going to take her out, we need to have multiple of us to do it. But anyway, I had fun with that. I was just responding in a fun way. I guess emotions get in the way and things get said, but I don’t usually start it. But I will respond. Again, I was just responding. I started with responding with humor, which is fair. I thought I had a fun response. 

Photo: Getty Images

Now that you’re close with Mary, were you surprised that she and Meredith hit a snag in their friendship this season?

I was. I had no idea Mary had built-up feelings. She never spoke negatively about Meredith to me. One thing I’ve always tried to stay away from: if Lisa was friends with Meredith, I didn’t want to get in the middle of that and tell her she shouldn’t be friends with her and vice versa. I told Lisa that I was happy they were working through things. Again, the same with Mary and Meredith. I always support the friendships within the group. I had no idea until it came out. It felt like there was some resentment that was probably being held in. That was really the first I had heard about that or any negativity between them.

Can you please tell us what is going on with Meredith’s bangs at the dinner where Mary kicks her out of her home?

Well, I’m in the beauty industry, so you asked the right person. I can’t say I loved it. I was a little shocked when I walked in. I think they were just some clip-in bangs, and it was a theme dinner. I won’t give it away, but she was probably pretty on-point for the theme. It just wasn’t her best look. As the night went on, they kind of crept back and crept back and crept back. As my husband said when I told him about it, he said, “So you’re saying they went from curtain bangs to a Caesar cut to a pixie?” And I said, “Yes.” They just kind of kept on going back, back, back. It was funny. She probably didn’t know, but they wound up kind of way back here. Not her best look. She has great hair. It just wasn’t her best look. 

Have you watched The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives? Do you know any of the #MomTok members?

If it was Secret Lives of Greek Wives, I’d know all of them. But I joke because I don’t know if it’s my age or the fact that I live in downtown Salt Lake. I know a lot of the girls are in Provo or further south. I don’t know any of them. I’ve never met any of them. I’ve never run into any of them, and I just haven’t had time to watch. But I do want to watch it. I grew up with Mormons that were so traditionally Mormon. What I’m hearing about the show is so out-there for the Mormon Church and the Mormon culture that I know. It sounds shocking. I’ve got to watch it because I haven’t, but I promise I will. I hope I meet the ladies someday. I’m probably old enough to be all their moms if they’re as wild as I’m hearing. Hopefully, I’ll meet them someday and tune in. 

Photo: Getty Images

What else can you tease about the rest of this season?

I’m really excited because I feel that I get to share my family more this season. You get to see more of Shawn and I having conversations about raising our daughter together. We celebrate 25 years of marriage. That’s a big milestone for us. My daughter is an equestrian. We get to talk at her lessons. Hopefully, you’ll get to see her riding, which she and we are very proud of. I get to share more of my dad. A lot more of my personal story comes out this season. I don’t feel that I had that roll out in the beginning. I don’t know if the fans really got to know me personally. That’s an important piece of the puzzle that’s missing, especially when you’re in conflict with women. Then people only see you as, “Oh, my gosh, she fights,” or, “She raises her voice.” I don’t want to be known for that because this whole other side of me, which really is who I am to the core, is motherhood, being a wife, being a daughter, being a businesswoman so I’m super excited for the audience to really know who Angie K is outside of sunglasses and taking people out with one-liners. I’m excited about that. 

There was one event where – and going back to the hair, I should probably keep my mouth shut about people’s hair – there was a hair comment where one thing led to another and turned into something that I’m not looking forward to rewatching. 

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs on Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo. New episodes are available to stream the next day on Peacock.


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