In an environment where adversity often stifles dreams, Nkiruka Miracle rises like a phoenix from the ashes of her tragic accident. Confined to a wheelchair but unbound in spirit, this remarkable female shoemaker from Enugu State defies the odds, crafting not just footwear but also a powerful narrative of resilience and triumph. In this interview with TEMITOPE ADETUNJI, she opens up about her extraordinary journey—one marked by immense challenges and inspiring victories as she navigates life with a disability

How long have you been operating this shoemaking business?

I am a passionate shoemaker and the proud owner of a salon in Enugu. My journey in the shoemaking business began seven years ago when I honed my skills and built a loyal customer base. This year, in May, I took a leap of faith and expanded my entrepreneurial ventures by starting my salon business. Despite the numerous challenges that come with managing both businesses, I remain grateful for the successes I’ve achieved thus far. It hasn’t been an easy road, but through hard work and determination, I feel truly blessed to be where I am today.

What inspired you to embark on your journey as a shoemaker?

Years ago, I stumbled on a Facebook post showcasing an impressive shoemaking skill. Intrigued, I began to reach out to my network to find someone who could teach me the craft. Eventually, I connected with a skilled shoemaker who graciously agreed to come to my home to provide lessons. Over the course of six months to a year, I diligently honed my skills, transforming my passion into a viable business.

My motivation to start both my shoemaking and salon ventures stemmed from a deep desire for independence. I didn’t want to be a burden to my family or friends; I longed to create something meaningful for myself. This drive to rely on my own abilities and contribute positively to my household propelled me forward on this journey, allowing me to carve out a space in the world despite my challenges.

How did you end up in a wheelchair?

I wasn’t born with a disability; I was once living a vibrant and active life, full of dreams and aspirations. All that changed in an instant when I was involved in a devastating accident. I had just completed my JAMB examination and was on my way to celebrate this milestone when a car collided with me, the driver fleeing the scene without looking back.

Rushed to the hospital, I was met with a heartbreaking diagnosis: the doctors informed me that I had lost my ability to walk and would never regain it. It felt like the ground had vanished beneath my feet, plunging me into a world of despair and uncertainty. However, amid the pain and grief, I refused to let this moment define me. I am determined to keep moving forward, holding onto the unwavering belief that I will walk again one day. This mindset fuels my resilience and drives me to embrace life, despite the obstacles I face.

How did you feel when you first received the news?

The experience was profoundly heartbreaking and left me feeling utterly devastated. Imagine living a life where you’ve always walked on two legs, only to have that ability stripped away in an instant. It was as if my entire world had crumbled before my eyes, plunging me into an overwhelming darkness.

In the aftermath of the accident, I found myself spiralling into depression. It was one of the most challenging periods of my life, occurring when I was just 20 years old in 2013. Adjusting to life in a wheelchair felt like an insurmountable mountain, and the weight of my new reality was incredibly heavy.

Now, 11 years later, as I navigate my early 30s, I reflect on this journey with a sense of resilience. Though I have faced countless challenges, each obstacle has taught me invaluable lessons about myself and the strength that lies within. I’ve come to understand that life can be a series of ups and downs, but what truly matters is the ability to keep moving forward, despite the difficulties that arise.

How did your family and friends support you during this time?

Throughout my journey, my family has been an unwavering pillar of support. Coming from a loving and nurturing family, their initial struggle to accept my condition was palpable, yet they quickly adapted to the new reality of my life. As the youngest child, I have always received immense support from them, both emotionally and financially. The burden of my medical care and needs weighed heavily on them, and it was tough to see them make such sacrifices.

Understanding the extent of their dedication to my well-being ignited a fire within me to strive for independence. I longed to be a source of support for my family, rather than a burden. This motivation became the driving force behind my decision to launch my shoemaking business.

When I first delved into shoemaking, I found pure joy in the craft. Each stitch and design brought me a sense of purpose, and I never complained about the hard work. However, the prevailing economic challenges in the country made it difficult for me to invest substantial funds into the business. To navigate this, I adopted a more strategic approach: I began creating shoes and footwear only when customers placed orders. They would send me samples of what they wanted, and I would craft those designs, proving that distance was no obstacle; I could ship the finished products anywhere.

This method not only enabled me to support myself but also allowed me to uplift my family and contribute to my community. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that, through my passion for shoemaking, I am making a tangible difference in the lives of those around me while also pursuing my dreams.

At what point did you accept your circumstance?

There was a time when I felt as if life had lost all its meaning. I felt like giving up entirely. Then, one fateful night in 2018, everything changed. I woke up with a renewed sense of awareness and realised that I needed to change my mindset.

I understood that while life had thrown numerous challenges my way, it was essential for me to accept my situation wholeheartedly. I chose to trust that God would perform miracles in my life.

Even now, I hold onto the belief that I will walk again one day. The weight of my struggles felt insurmountable at times, but deep down, I knew I had to find the courage to keep moving forward. I wanted to inspire hope in those around me; if they saw me breaking down, they would feel broken too. So, I made it my mission to remain strong—not just for myself, but for my family and friends who depended on me.

Accepting myself has been a winding journey filled with lessons. I learned to actively focus on the positive aspects of my life, no matter how small. Being patient with myself was crucial. I had to acknowledge that healing and acceptance take time. I began setting small, achievable goals and celebrating each step forward. I started surrounding myself with supportive friends and family and this became a lifeline that kept reinforcing my sense of worth.

Through this transformative process, I discovered that self-acceptance is not merely about coming to terms with my situation. It’s about embracing my worth and recognising my potential, despite the limitations I face. Each day, I remind myself that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle in my path. And as I continue on this journey, I make it a point to encourage others to do the same, reminding them that they too have the strength within to rise above their challenges.

What challenges did you encounter at the beginning of your journey?

I faced numerous challenges, particularly in the early stages of my journey. One of the most significant hurdles was my inability to attend school. Being in a wheelchair made it difficult for me to participate in activities that other children could easily enjoy, which left me feeling discouraged. However, my passion for shoemaking kept me motivated, and I was determined to keep pushing forward despite the obstacles.

Another challenge I encountered was the societal perception of people with disabilities. Many individuals seem to believe that those of us who are physically challenged lack value and cannot achieve anything meaningful. This prevailing attitude can be incredibly disheartening and often undermines our self-worth.

The quest for love has also proved to be difficult. People with disabilities have so much love to give, yet we often struggle to connect with the right partners. Unfortunately, there are times when individuals exploit those of us who are physically challenged. While I have encountered kind people who treat me with respect, they are not always easy to find.

Despite these challenges, I remain committed to believing in myself and my worth. I constantly remind myself that I have much to offer, and I maintain hope that brighter days lie ahead.

Have you ever been in a relationship?

Yes, I was in a relationship before the accident, and it ended after the accident. It is not what I would like to go into, as I see relationships as a personal aspect of my life.

Have you ever felt that people write you off because of your condition?

Yes, unfortunately, I have encountered that. On social media, I have met several individuals who view me merely as someone to flirt with. They often approach me with intentions focused solely on sexual conversations. When I choose not to engage with their advances, their reactions can be quite harsh. I’ve faced comments like, “Look at this girl; I’m doing you a favour by even talking to you, you wheelchair lady.”

These experiences highlight a troubling mindset where some people fail to see me as a person with feelings and aspirations, reducing me to a stereotype. It can be disheartening, but I remind myself that their attitudes reflect their limitations, not mine.

Have you had any other negative experiences in person?

Yes, I have experienced that. There have been moments when individuals approached me in person with incredibly inappropriate propositions. One man even reached out to me, offering N50,000 in exchange for sex, insisting that he wanted to “help” me. It’s disheartening to witness how some people reduce me to nothing more than my disability, treating me without any respect. Such encounters serve as a stark reminder of the prejudices that still exist in society and the urgent need for a shift in perspective towards those with disabilities.

How do you manage these challenging situations?

I constantly remind myself that other people’s opinions do not define me. I take pride in who I am and recognise that my worth extends far beyond what they perceive. It’s crucial for me to focus on the positive individuals in my life—those who genuinely understand and support me. I firmly believe that by sharing my experiences, I can raise awareness and encourage others to recognise that everyone deserves respect, regardless of their circumstances. My journey is not just about my struggles; it’s also about inspiring a change in perspective and fostering empathy within our society.

What message would you like to share with others who are facing similar challenges?

I want to tell everyone out there that they are not alone. While negative people may always exist, we cannot allow them to diminish our self-worth. Embrace who you are and don’t be afraid to speak out. Surround yourself with those who uplift you and recognise your true value. Together, we can change perceptions and demonstrate that everyone has something unique and special to offer. Let’s support one another on this journey, creating a community where everyone feels valued and respected.

How do you manage to stay happy all the time?

I believe I am a beautiful woman, and I make it a priority to focus on happiness every day. There are several strategies I employ to maintain a positive outlook.

First, I actively avoid situations or people that bring negativity into my life. If I sense something will upset me, I steer clear of it. Creating a peaceful environment is crucial for my well-being.

Second, I consciously choose to surround myself with uplifting individuals. Being with supportive friends and family significantly enhances my happiness and overall mood.

I also work on building my confidence and courage. I regularly remind myself of my strengths and accomplishments. Practising self-love is essential; I indulge in activities that make me feel good—whether that’s dressing nicely, pursuing my hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones.

Lastly, I focus on the little things that bring me joy. Each day, I choose to see the bright side of life and appreciate even the smallest moments of happiness.

What advice do you have for people living with disabilities?

My primary advice for those living with disabilities is to stay strong and positive. It’s vital to focus on what brings you happiness and to have unwavering belief in yourself. You matter in society, and great things can emerge from your situation—often more than what others may expect.

I encourage you not to feel limited by your disability. Explore activities that you enjoy, whether they’re hobbies, sports, or creative pursuits. If possible, pursue your education or learn a new skill or trade that interests you. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you. Remember, every struggle has a light at the end; things will improve.

Life can be challenging, but I believe that God supports us all. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself. Good things will come your way if you stay determined and work hard.

Lastly, focus on what makes you happy, and don’t let others’ opinions weigh you down. Everyone has their own path, so it’s essential to follow your dreams and embrace your journey.

What are your plans and aspirations?

I aspire to become a remarkable woman who positively impacts the world. My goal is to achieve success in both my career and personal life. I dream of building a thriving business that not only flourishes but also supports others in my community.

On a personal level, I hope to get married and raise children, instilling in them values like kindness and strength so they can become good individuals in the world. I also aim to help those around me in any way I can, regardless of how small the gesture may seem. I believe that even little acts of kindness can make a significant difference in someone else’s life.

What are you most grateful to God for?

I am primarily grateful to God for the strength and determination to live a fulfilling life, even while in a wheelchair. Despite the challenges I face, I have learned to appreciate what I can do and the support of those around me. I’m thankful for the opportunities to grow, the valuable lessons I’ve learned, and for discovering happiness in unexpected ways.

I am grateful for everything I have. Although the economic situation is challenging, I am seeking support to enhance my business and improve my circumstances. Any assistance would be deeply appreciated.


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